For the first time in many years, our cemetery is under local control!
It is owned by a not-for-profit corporation, The Palisades Cemetery Association.
Come and explore. See some of the beautiful grounds and read some of the
interesting epitaphs
Interesting Epitaphs
Mary Sneden (Mollie) died Jan, 31, 1810, aged 101 years, 13 days
Born January, 1709. Tombstone became completely illegible. Mr. Gilman left a photograph which shows part of the inscription and Mrs. Stansbury, in 1981 found the original in an old Dutch Reformed Hymnal:
Lord of our days whose hands have set
New time upon our score
Thee may we praise for all our time
When time shall be no more
Jonathan Lawrence, Jr. Died April 28, 1802, Aged 42 years, 7 months, 17 days.
Historian George Budke copied the inscription before it became illegible as it now is.
Who, during six month's illness, suffered no pain, and cheerfully resigned his soul in hope.
Jennette Lawrence, Wife of Jonathan Lawrence, Jr., of New York. Ob. 21 Sept., 1790, Aged 23 years.
She gone to Realms above
Far, Far beyond the sky
To taste redeeming love
And dwell with the world high
Isaac Tallman (first husband of Mary Neal Sneden, and father of Maria Tallman Kipp)
Engineer, Killed on the N.Y. & Erie R. R. whilst running the night express with Engine no. 37, caused by a rock laying on the track, April 4, 1853, Aged 30 years, 3 months & 26 days.
Daniel Post, died July 22, 1814, 52 years, (brother-in-law of Nicholas Gesner, uncle of Abram Post, who married Famiche Willsey). His tombstone reads:
A pale consumption gave the fatal blow!
The stroke was certain, but the effect was slow
With wasting pain death found me long opressed
Pityed my sighs and kindly brought me rest
Jane Sisco, daughter of John and Jane Sisco, who departed this life March 4, 1846, Aged 14 Days (This was the only stone left in the cemetery of the "mountain Church" in Skunk Hollow. With Nash Castro's permission, the Siscos moved it, in 1974, to their plot in The Palisades Cemetery) The epitaph reads:
Arise and run the heavenly road
Nor in dumb mourning sit
Look up towards the child's abode
And haste to follow it.